Pierre Bordeaux

Original Post: 23 Octpber 2012
Posted Here: 3 December 2017

Pierre BordeauxAlthough southeastern five-lined skinks are fairly common reptiles here in Union County, AR, where I live, many of my colleagues in our critique group seem to be unaware of them. When they read about Pierre Bordeaux, a humanoid, 3-foot tall, silver "skink" wearing gray trousers and robe and black boots in my chapters from "The Centaurian Bud Vase" or "Silver Threads," they were unable to picture him.

Will LaPuerta has done several 3-D models for me. So I've been working with him to create a picture of Pierre. I hope this helps all of my readers better visualize this pint-sized Waxonian hero.

If you'd like Will LaPuerta to work for you (freelance or as a full-time employee,) contact him at reapermediasr@gmail.com and you can view his portfolio at Behance.

Keep reading/keep writing - Jack